Saturday, May 23, 2009

Taxi to the Dark Side (2007)

Gambaran menarik mengenai sistem "keadilan" yang dipromosi oleh USA terhadap tahanan yang disyaki sebagai terrorist. Ia menggambarkan bagaimana USA yang dianggap sebagai negara liberal yang menjunjung hak-hak manusia kembali ke zaman kegelapan dimana yang disyaki tidak lagi diadili tetapi dipaksa untuk mengaku bersalah (lihat zaman memburu ahli sihir beberapa kurun yang lampau).

Oscarr-nominated director Alex Gibney (Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room) investigates the torture and killing of an innocent Afghani taxi driver in this gripping probe into reckless abuses of government power. Disturbing and incisive, the Academy Awardr-winner Taxi To The Dark Side incorporates rare and never-before-seen images from inside the Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan and Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay prisons into its exposure of the Bush administration's "global war on terror." This stunningly crafted narrative demonstrates how this one man's life and death symbolizes the erosion of our civil rights and how what it means to be an American has changed forever.

SKOR: 9/10

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